Friends, in this article today, we will talk about a very important topic which most people do not even think about. health problems of stool in human body Do you know that the kind of food we are eating nowadays and the kind of environment in which we are living, our body slowly and gradually, many types of small and big diseases continue to develop which we do not even realize in our everyday life And then suddenly one day the same diseases are like pimples on our face, skin diseases, hair and eye weakness, heart and liver diseases, problems in kidney, high blood Pressure asthma Migraines come in the form of a number of diseases related to the brain and stomach and even serious problems like cancer. How would it be if we get to know every activity going on in our body and every little big problem inside without the help of a doctor. By the way, if we see our body, in the beginning of any disease, it starts giving us different indications about it, which if we start paying attention, then any problem related to health can be eradicated even before it comes.
The skin of our face and body, our hair, eyes, urine, feces and our fingernails can detect movements going on inside the body. We have already ruined us on this subject where we had known how the facial changes give information about the organs present inside our body. If you have not yet seen any video, then watch it too. Just like in today's article

We will know that the waste material coming out of our body, that is, what activities going on inside our body can be detected through our feces. It must sound a little dirty and strange to hear, but believe me, today, from an ordinary person to a lot of celebrities and even sports athletes, to keep themselves healthy, beautiful and healthy, on their bowel movement digestion and activities related to feces. Pay attention. The condition of blood in our body, the health of all internal organs along with the stomach, kidney and liver can be detected through our feces. So many times when we go to the doctor due to some illness, he definitely looks at our tongue, eyes and pulse and also asks us how the party is going. The time of freshening, the color of the stool, the type and the way of coming is also indicative of many simple and many very serious diseases related to health, then they first talk about the color of the stool. If seen, it is considered normal to have a little yellowishness in our mind due to boil
, but when the color of the stool starts to look very yellow, then there is also a lot of greasy and strong odor in it, then it shows that our stool Fat content is high. This situation occurs when our digestion is not able to properly absorb the fat and other essential nutrients in the food, due to which slowly the body starts losing nutrients. Apart from this, yellow stool is also a sign of disease called Serious Disease.

Can. In this disease, things made of flour, bread flour and all gluten rich foods cause great discomfort to the stomach. Too much black stool can also be the result of consuming more medicines. Especially iron supplements, in addition to eating dark red purple and black things, the color of our stool can also look black. But apart from all this, there can be a serious reason behind getting black colored stools that bleeding in some part of our entire digestive system, that is, the bleeding part of our food pipe in the intestines or our whole Can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal track. health problems of stool in human body in such a situation, doctor's advice should be taken immediately. A color like white gray or black indicates a lack of material, which can also be a sign of malfunction associated with the liver and gall bladder, ie the cheek bladder because the liver and gall bladder are the organisms that make up the bile. White or gray colored stool is also seen in some conditions in serious diseases like gallstones and liver cirrhosis.
Compared to kidney stones, gallstones are detected after a long time and then there is a lot of problem in its treatment too. In such a situation, if you see whiteness in your stool, do not ignore it at all. Usually when our mind appears red, then the main reason is considered to be the things we have eaten. For example beet tomatoes or drinks that use red color.

The color of the stool may also appear red, but when food is not the cause of the red color appearing in the stool, it may be that blood is coming along with the stool and it is necessary to inform the doctor as soon as possible. Must be because blood in the stool can be a symptom of Piles Fisher X-ray tip colitis and even cancer and all these diseases are such that no person would want to hear about them. After the color, let's talk about the shape of the stool. In a study done by the British digestive process by doctors at Bristol Royal in February, the waste product originating from the Yemen body has been divided into 7 different categories. Now every type of stool coming out of the body tells a lot about our health. When feces come out in small and hard pieces, it is considered a sign of severe constipation depression. Usually this happens when the vest is present in our body for more than two days despite being fresh. This situation arises due to drinking less water and frequent fiber deficiency. During
this, more emphasis has to be put on getting fresh. So when this happens, start drinking more water as well as add fiber rich food such as oatmeal fresh fruit salad pulses and green leafy vegetables to the seeker and all things made from fine flour. The stool coming in long and prickly shape also indicates constipation. It looks exactly like it's small

The pieces of small stool may have been stuck together. Such a stool indicates that your daily routine does not involve much physical play or you are sitting for long hours. This is the symptom of constipation which gradually becomes severe and later many other diseases also start to arise due to this. So drink more water daily and do some workouts in the morning and evening. If the shape of your stool is of the shape of a banana, with slight cracks appearing on its surface, there is no reason to panic as it is considered completely normal. It is considered a sign of a good digestive condition when there is no need to exert vigor during freshening, but still most people drink less water in cold weather. Because of this, constipation starts. So we should keep our body fully hydrated so that our digestion is always right. When the amount of fiber in our diet is right and throughout the day we eat a good amount of water along with good food, then our stool becomes smooth and soft, due to which our stomach is als
o completely clean while being fresh. it happens . This type of motion should be at least two to three times a week, if not daily. Soft, wet, and stool coming out in large-sized droplets is considered a symptom of mild gloves diarrhea. This is mostly due to digestive disturbances. This type of stool passes very easily, so during this time when we feel the urge to be fresh

Then we cannot control it much and have to run like a bathroom immediately. Usually such symptoms are cured in one to two days but if it continues for a long time, then it can also be a symptom of a disease called IBS ie Irritation Bowel Syndrome. IBS is an intestinal disease in which stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea and gas do not cure for long. Too much slimy flour or stool coming in like a polenta is also a symptom of diarrhea. In this situation, a freshener is required more than two times a day. During this time there is also a shortage of water and necessary minerals in the body, due to which the person feels tired. In such a situation, it is important to drink plenty of water and fruit juices and soups are also beneficial. To control diarrhea, things like banana and curd are beneficial, but if it does not cure for more than two days, the doctor must show. When there is no solid in the mind and it comes out completely as a liquid, then it is considered a symptom of severe diarrhea. This condition is
most annoying and there can be more than one reason behind it, such as food poisoning due to poor food, lactose intolerance, allergy to milk products, any kind of bacterial infection or A medicine side effect. During this time, many people have a twitch in their eyes

Symptoms like dryness or fever also begin to appear. To avoid dehydration, drink more and more water. But if you are not well for two days, then please consult the problems of stool in human body Apart from all the symptoms mentioned in this article of today, problems related to digestion and bowel movement are also due to our mistakes at times. One of these is to stop the pressure. The moment we feel the desire to freshen up and we control the reason for leaving, it causes our body's natural function to go awry. Although in many situations it has to be done due to compulsion, but despite many times we have an option, we stop for a short time. By doing this, problems like stomach pain and constipation arise and by doing this for a long time, the amount of bacteria in the body starts increasing. So always try to be fresh at the right time. Apart from this, to maintain your digestion and bowl movement, take the right amount of fiber in your diet, light-hearted workouts and adequate amount of water.
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