Dr. vishwaroop roy chowdhury says thousands of people are dying from the Annapurna flood in the world. How do you tell them how to talk to them? The team coming in the media is ours. If told by the media, now the doctor told them, the scientist told the CDC, the WHO told them to stop till now, the scientist told the WHO who told the city, the WHO CDC doctor is still no god. How many of us and you are human beings, their eyes are not very big and big enough to see them too, coronavirus killed a human being. How to know or research them, only one name will come up, that is, PCR test Police Race Chain Reaction Test, which is being told by creating a base that a person is dying for 9 years whereas PCR test is not a level test at all, so you Can not trust If you do not believe me, then go to the divine gender of the screen and read the BBC report last month on 13 February or two days ago read the third report of Time magazine. You understand the point, even the police who have received the Nobel Prize for this invention, close to the PCR test, told in their own words that the PCR test is to test the genetic frequency and cell by pressing the BARS button. This means I explain to you in easy language nor does life live in your city that the lion is coming. Everybody gets scared and scared and then a man screaming is Sheera and his man is a diagnostic tool. How do you change his mood? I see the Sharra coming from the ultimate lion from a distance. Now
Show them to me and you are afraid, you take this diagnostic tool in your hand and want you to look a bit dim. Any different animal but in your perception the picture of a lion, so what do you see? The needle which is diagnostics is itself a huge fraud. You will say several thousand people die, or 4000 people do not die. Remember that every year 70 million people die from the infection. Again, one crore 70 lakhs population all over the world, please give his name as Dil Kidney or 99 i.e. curtain jerker de bolar. All those with the Chicken Gunia River or Khulna. Now your question is how to save on cost. First of all, drive away the fear, remember that it is this fear that you and a friend like me have called, that they are diagnosing with HIV and they end on the same day and die the same day. It is called Nancy that effect, then congratulations to Haldar. You must have seen that people in the airplanes in the airplanes would have brought scared scare masks. Understand that the mask is that mask cannot separate you from full. Dr. vishwaroop roy chowdhury says The virus is not a mosquito fly. Going into the mouth and putting his mask on it will be done. Protection from viruses with a mask will be as much a school as it is a strange rain. If I ask you to rain with an umbrella, umbrella for umbrella relationship, how much you will be able to protect yourself. Obviously, things will not be able to defend at all, so as much as you can update yourself with the rain with this umbrella.

Protection will happen. If you put on the mask, now you have seen disinfected pectin being sprinkled in TV often, then in India, disinvestments are being sprinkled in hotels in malls in schools in India so that you can be saved. Else than older or someone else. See this scene, I remember my childhood, remember when we used to go to school in my childhood, we are people of my age, now that truck used to come in the evening every day and there was a machine behind that truck and smoke was released from the machine. And that smoke also children in the back of his truck. Like us and you used to run, it was sprayed with DDT so that you can save humans from birth. But it took three years to understand that he who was responsible for DDT was responsible. To find out the spread of polio disease. DDT Peda woke up and polio as well and got out of this world, so this design is patented, it can save you only as much as if you put these lemons in front of the car and as you have often seen. They put the truck back and forth in the hope that Bhai will protect against oxygen. These religions can have as many religions in one phase but they cannot be science. If he says that this is science, then it is not difficult to understand that it is impossible. If you want to protect yourself in the heel sense or you want to cover any other infection, then you have to understand that no medicine has been released yet. Just to defend

There is only one formula. Step One As soon as you get the first indication, the flu temperature increases or you have congestion or phlegm as you see the system first, then you have to take it. Step One Devon Cold Liquid Diet Den One has his body weight department for Kabaddi to Malia. Their six glasses of coconut water throughout the day and six glasses of citrus fruit juice throughout the day, citrus fruit juice means seasonal juice orange juice or pineapple juice is suitable for any of these but do not filter and fresh fish and Fiber should also be in it. Do not eat or drink anything throughout the day, then the bodyweight divide baton by Nate Chauhan's chariot when bodyweight strength double button diagnostic class of citrus fruit juice holiday will make such disclosures as a palace in these holdings. On the first day, the temperature will not go above one level of your body above one in two. Hanging Day To Day Both Bottle Fuel Day Fuel Day In Five Day Unitech Decimal 31 Lower Body Weight Divide By Twenty Your Body Weight KG Development Rate Less Female Freelancer To Hotel Holiday Shafiq Associate School Fruit Juice Off Holiday Plus. Along with this, how much to take Tomato and Cucumber Total your body weight into five Mallya's Gin Two Free Radicals Three Hundred Three Hunger Games of Total Tomato and Cucumber Tomato, so do the same data for the whole day in your diet. No more without it and you will see that you will be almost two-person comfortable. Now all of us will be able to reach our home. Dairy A Solid Society Solan

Formulation was done till 12 in the morning. Thirty Red Comes to Two Glasses of Citrus Fruits and Two Questions in Your Body Weight Debate for Thirty Red Body Comes to Voters Dante G and Diet Till Will Stay at VC till 12pm. The formula that was yesterday was nuts, tomatoes, and cucumbers. The bodyweight of Total Thrill Game 17 is 60 KG. Nargis Vegetable Tomato Sugar Into Spice Red Comes First KG Percent Renuka You must have been well after lunch from the meetings, and then dinner you will have to take a normal home cook vegetarian diet which eats roti, vegetable lentils rice and from the fourth day of ULB. You will be able to do all the work as you normally do. Dr. vishwaroop roy chowdhury says There is such a simple formula and you and me and many people who have been getting it right this week because I have mentioned this formula many times in my video, then go and write in the comment that if you are fine then people will trust you by watching your exam And if they also adopt it, then release the fear, the virus may be around us even when
I talk to you. The coronavirus dengue chikungunya shaman in one is all in the third environment, but I do not need to fear him. I know that even if they attack, I have this simple formula.


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