constipation and its causes


Presented Constipation or not having a proper stomach is a problem that most people do not take seriously. But do you know that on the same day, more than 20 different types of new diseases can occur in your body in that one day? This is because the stool coming out of our body is not only a paste product made from the food we eat but also contains many types of bacteria and toxins which are very important to get out of the body at the right time.

According to modern medical science, it is necessary to clean our stomach at least three times a week, and from the point of view of Ayurveda, our stomach must be clean once in 24 hours. If the digested waste does not come out of our body for two or more days, then such a condition is called kababs. Apart from this, the stomach is not properly cleaned every day, the pressure is not on time, the stool becomes more dry and hard, or the need to apply more force during the bowel movement are all some of the common symptoms of constipation. When the problem of construction continues continuously, it causes sluggishness in the body. Many times, the burning sensation in the chest starts to feel heaviness in the body on acidity. If the problem of constipation starts again and again, due to this, diseases related to Piles Fissure Indigestion Colitis colon, digestion and serious diseases related to the stomach are greatly increased and not only it is bad

It also affects our hair, skin, and brain. According to a study done in 2017, all those people who are troubled by serious diseases like back pain and migraine, they also often complain of constipation. Overall, if simple constipation is not felt at the right time, then, later on, it causes many health problems. Most of the people who use the problem of construction instead of using permanent solutions start using churan and negatives etc. A large amount of stomach cleansing, that is, the use of luxury tip reduces our body's ability to absorb nutrients from food, which causes the body to slowly weaken. On the day you do not use these things, constipation goes away and we have to rely solely on these things for slow digestion, so when the problem of constipation is to end forever, along with home remedies, our There is also a need to change your lifestyle by improving food habits and improving some wrong habits. Let us know which are the wrong habits that cause constipation and increase. That half will talk about some effective home remedies, the use of which can end this problem forever. The water of figs and raisins is very beneficial in the problem of constipation. Stirring 5 to 6 raisins on a fig daily in 1 cup of water for four to five hours

Keep and consume it once a day in the morning or at night with water. Figs and raisins are high in dietary fiber, which makes digestion stronger. The stool is soft and provides instant relief in constipation. Using it in the morning not only cleanses our stomach and improves digestion, but is also considered very useful for maintaining good energy in the body throughout the day. Desi ghee When there is a lack of water and lubrication in the body, in such a way, the food from the intestines moves very slowly and the amount of time the food spends in the rectangles of the body decreases the amount of water. Because of this, when food is finally converted into feces, it becomes very dry and hard. Desi cow's ghee acts as a lubricant in our body's process of digestion.

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Those who are often complaining of constipation should increase the use of desi cow's ghee instead of oil in their diet. The pure ghee of the desi cow does not increase weight but decreases, so use it more and more to improve digestion. If you don't like the taste of ghee, add one spoon of cow ghee to a glass of warm milk at night. By using it before sleeping, the stomach is well cleaned as soon as it wakes up in the morning and the constipation problem starts to gain rapidly. Castor oil. Castor oil or castor oil is extremely useful for those who are troubled by chronic constipation.

It is useful but since it is a very strong natural negative, it should be used only in severe conditions two to three times a week. Take one spoon of castor oil in a cup of hot water at night and drink it. Castor oil contains fatty acids called dandruff Nicholas. It makes our stool soft and increases the speed of the bowel movement. There is a lot of repeat with castor oil in the problem of severe to severe constipation. Although its use is completely safe, during pregnancy, along with the medicines of bones, they should castor oil during the treatment of blood and heart diseases. Constant use of all the three things mentioned will cause a tremendous improvement in the problem of constipation. But if you want the problem of constipation to never happen again in its entire life, then it is very important to take care of some important things. Physical activity Most of the time, people complain about the occupation of sitting in one place for a long time or those who do not do any kind of physical activity and exercise, people whose routines involve physical disturbances are considered to have a better digestion process. So if you do not do any kind of exercise etc., then start doing it or go for a walk only in the morning or after the evening meal. Drink more water. Drinking less water or dehydration is considered the most prominent cause of Cubs. Drink at least two and a half to three liters of water throughout the day.

By drinking plenty of water, during the digestive process, food is also digested well and at the same time, it also prevents our stool from hardening. Eat food at the right time and in the right way. Digestion and stomach related problems are sure to arise when the time of eating is not fixed. Some people eat very late at night and some people sit hungry for a long time. Fix mealtime in your daily routine. The timing of digestion and freshening is automatically determined by the time of the meal. Also, never eat in a hurry and always chew the food well, and do not forget to eat. Sometimes, ignoring these simple things also creates a serious constitution problem. Do not keep the stool. Many people have the habit of stopping the excreta, but the time when the body feels fresh today, they do not leave at that time and they go later. Doing this can also cause constipation because the time the body remains in the body will dry up as much as it remains inside our body and then after hardening, there is a lot of problem in getting fresh. Junk food and dry things. Make the most of the dry crispies and things made of flour made in the stomach. Digestion is severely impaired by the excessive consumption of flour-made bread beans, pizzas, or wipers found in outside fried junk food packets. This is why by avoiding the dry things when there is frequent constipation

Things like liquid and fiber should be consumed as much as possible. High Fiber Diet. Include all the things that are high in fiber in your diet. Most high-fiber items in fruits, vegetables, and cereals can now be seen in the chaat seen on the screen. Eat all these things in your regular diet as much as possible. If you follow the right amount of water and high fiber diet, constipation is impossible at any cost. Also, reduce caffeine and alcohol to a minimum. Tea, coffee and cold drinks, etc. dry the body's water, causing constipation problems, that alcohol hydrates our body very fast. So until the problem of constipation is completely cured, keep a maximum distance from these things.


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